Friday, August 8, 2008

Orange Julius / Fruit Smoothies

Jesse and I have been replacing our nightly ice cream with smoothies, and it is a lot healthier! It also satisfies our sweet toothies at night!

So this is actually an Orange Julius Recipe that I have modified, but you can mix just about anything up using these same ingredients. I play around with different fruits and concoxtions all the time. (I recently made one with limeade and frozen strawberries. Yummy!)


1/2 can of frozen orange juice concentrate (or other juice concentrate)
1 cup milk
1/3 cup white sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup frozen berries (optional)
1 tray ice cubes (about 12 cubes)

Pour a few tablespoons of water into the bottom of your blender first (this helps the blender mix better with a liquid foundation). Add OJ concentrate, milk, sugar, berries and vanilla. Slowly add ice as blender mixes and smoothie gets to the desired consistentcy. Enjoy! Makes 2-3 glasses.